Company C – Inadequate Digital Presence and Poor Conversion Tactics


Case study


Company C, a B2B software company with strong products, struggled with generating leads and converting website visitors into paying customers. Despite their success in product development, the company’s digital marketing strategy lagged behind. The website had a poor user experience (UX), lacked clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and was difficult to navigate, resulting in high bounce rates. The company relied heavily on outbound marketing tactics such as cold emailing, which were becoming increasingly ineffective in a digital-first B2B environment.

Hypothesis: If Company C improves its digital presence by optimizing its website for better user experience and clearer CTAs, and shifts to an inbound marketing strategy to attract and nurture leads, it can significantly increase its lead generation and conversion rates.

This hypothesis is based on the shift in the B2B buyer’s journey, where potential customers now conduct extensive research online before engaging with a sales representative. A strong digital presence will allow Company C to meet prospects where they are and guide them through the buyer journey more effectively.

Counter-Argument: Some within the company may argue that outbound marketing still works for generating quick results, particularly with traditional clients. However, outbound tactics are often seen as interruptive and less effective in building trust. The B2B landscape has shifted towards inbound marketing, where potential customers prefer self-directed research before they engage with a sales team.

Revamp the Website for Improved User Experience and Clear CTAs:

  • Actionable Step: Company C can hire a UX specialist to redesign the website with the user’s needs in mind. This involves simplifying navigation, improving load times, and restructuring product pages to clearly communicate value propositions. Key CTAs such as “Schedule a Demo” or “Start a Free Trial” should be prominently displayed on every relevant page.
  • Result: A user-friendly, well-structured website will encourage visitors to explore the product offerings and engage with the brand, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversions.

Adopt an Inbound Marketing Strategy to Attract Qualified Leads:

  • Actionable Step: Company C can create high-quality content that addresses the pain points of its target audience. This could include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and webinars. By focusing on SEO optimization and distributing this content across relevant platforms, the company can attract potential customers who are actively searching for solutions.
  • Result: Inbound marketing will position Company C as an industry thought leader and create a steady stream of qualified leads who are already interested in its products.

Use Marketing Automation to Nurture Leads:

  • Actionable Step: Implementing a marketing automation tool such as HubSpot or Marketo can allow Company C to segment its leads based on their behavior and send personalized follow-up content to nurture them through the funnel. For example, someone who downloads a whitepaper could receive a follow-up email with a case study, followed by a CTA to schedule a demo.
  • Result: Automation will ensure that leads are consistently nurtured with relevant content, increasing the chances of converting them into paying customers.


Company C, a B2B software company with strong products, struggled with generating leads and converting website visitors into paying customers.
